Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to re-organize itself by forming new neural connections in response to injury, dysfunction, new experiences or sensory stimulation.

Recent studies have showed that the brain ca "rewire" and restructure itself. The neurons located in the brain can build new or remodel old connections, can generate new paths through the cortex and assume new roles. According to this principle if part of the brain is damaged, it can be possible to train other areas to assume its roles and functions. This is often referred to as “rewireing the brain”. Neuroplasticity can result in one region of the brain colonizing another with effects on mental and physical function.

The realization that the brain is plastic and has the capacity to change its maps gives new hopes to individuals suffering from various brain related conditions. If the maps of the brain can change then there is reason to hope that people confronted with different kinds of issues, “including learning problems and psychological problems might be able to form new maps through activities that will allow the new neuronal connections by getting the healthy neurons to fire together and wire together” (Doidge 2007, 63)

Although once believed that as we aged, the brain became fixed, the new studies conducted in the most recent years has revealed that the brain never stops changing and adjusting. Neuroscientists now describe the brain as capable of change and produce new connections at any age.

References:1. Doidge, Norman. The Brain that Changes Itself. 2007. New York: Penguin Group , 2007. Print.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The "biology" of neuroplasticity

Let’s take a closer look at the "biology" of neuroplasticity to understand how these principles work.

The neuron

Neurons are the core components of the brain. A neuron has three parts – the dendrites, axon and cell body. The information flows along the neuron in one direction from the dendrites to the axon, via the cell body. Axons are often compared with wires, they carry electrical impulses at high speeds towards the dendrites or other neurones.

A neuron can receive excitatory signals and inhibitory signals. When it receives excitatory signals the neuron will fire off signals. When it receives inhibitory signals it becomes less likely to fire. The axons do not touch the other neurons, they are separated by a microscopic space called synapse. When the electrical signal arrives at the end of the axon it releases a neurotransmitter into synapses.

The neuron
A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger that floats over the dendrite of the adjacent neuron, exciting it or inhibiting it. The alterations occur at the synapse level, strengthening or wakening the number of connections between the neurons. We call this process neurons “rewiring” or neurons “rewire” themselves.

"What Fire together Wire Together"

The neurons form strong connections to one another, when they are activated at the same moment. When an axon of a cell is near enough to excite cell of another neuron and repeatedly takes part in firing it, growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells increasing the efficiency of one or both cells. This is often paraphrased as "Neurons that fire together wire together." It is commonly referred to as Hebb's Law ("")

Activity could produce changes in the structure of the brain

One of the first proofs that the brain can be modified through activity and stimulation came as a result of Mark Rosenzweig’s studies. In 1960, Mark Rosenzweig, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, published findings showing that rats raised in enriched environments had heavier brains. His experiments showed that stimulation lead the brain to grow (Hirsh, Golinkoff, Eyer, 2003, 27). Therefore Rosenzweig was able to demonstrate that animals raised in enriched environments – surrounded by other animals, objects to explore, toys and running wells learn better than the identical animals that the animals that have not been exposed to these kind of stimuli.
Studies have shown that while completing an activity, the neurons in a center of a certain area of the brain that performs the activity are most committed to the task, while those on the border are less committed. Adjacent brain areas compete with each other to “recruit” these border neurons. Daily activities will determine who wins and will cause the map expansion of the brain area. The map expansion occurs at the boundaries between brain areas as a result of repeated activity. (Doidge 2007, 207). At the same time neuronal structure of the brain can be modified by experience and brain stimulation can lead to brain growth. The stimulating environment not only that is beneficial to development, but also will cause the brain to grow.

Marian Cleeves Diamond, a professor of anatomy and the first woman on the science faculty at Berkely in her book Enriching Heredity, speaks about the anatomy of the brain and how this can be changed by the environment. A stimulating environment will increases the cortical growth. Increases in cortical growth as a consequence of stimulating environmental can occur at every age, however the cerebral cortex is growing most rapidly in the first the first ten years, this being one of the reasons why it is very important to provide children with experiences through education and stimulating environments. Cognitively rich mental and physical activities will stimulate and exercise the brain. Learning a new skill such as dancing, play an instrument, learn a new language, through concentration, exercise will stimulate the neurons and preserve the brain’s balance system.

Plasticity is competitive

If we stop exercising certain mental skills the brain map allocated for that skill is turned over to the skills we practice instead. Plasticity is competitive. The more we practice an activity the more we make sure that its brain space is not lost to another. This has been demonstrated through sensory reassignment experiments that have demonstrated that when one sense is blocked, the cortex is deprived of receiving normal impulses and will start to receive impulses from other senses. At the same time, bad habits are difficult to unlearn. When we learn a bad habit, when we repeat the behaviour this takes claims more control of that map and prevents us from using that part of the brain for “good” habits. (Doidge 2007, 60)

1. Wikipedia, "Hebbian theory." Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Web.6 Jul 2009.
2. Doidge, Norman. The Brain that Changes Itself. 2007. New York: Penguin Group , 2007. Print.
3. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Diane E. Eyer. 2003 Einstein never used flash cards: How Our Children Really Learn. Rodale Books, 2003. Print
4. Diamond, Marian Cleeves. Enriching Heredity: Impact of the Environment on Brain Development. 1988.Free Press, 1988. Print
5. Diamond, Marian Cleeves. "The Brain. Use It or Lose It ." Mindshift Connection 1(1998): Print.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Neuroplasticity and FASD

At the present time there is no research that demonstrates the use of neuroplasticity principles to help individuals diagnosed with FASD.

However given the fact that neuroplasticity strategies have been applied successfully to individuals that suffered brain damage, stokes and even to those diagnosed with OCD, autism, and other FASD related disabilities, may let us speculate that these strategies would be effective if applied to individuals with FASD.

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

In the case of the prenatal exposure to alcohol, the developing brain cells and structures are underdeveloped or malformed. Due to exposure, they often create an array of primary cognitive and functional disabilities (including poor memory, attention deficits, impulsive behavior, and poor cause-effect reasoning) as well as secondary disabilities (for example, mental health problems, and drug addiction) (Streissguth, A. 1997)

Why do we think that Neuroplasticity can help FASD diagnosed individuals?

The neuroplasticity principles have been used successfully with individuals suffering from other brain related conditions. Strokes, or brain attacks, are a major cause of death and permanent disability. They occur when blood flow to a region of the brain is obstructed and may result in death of brain tissue. Yet neuroplasticity has been used successfully on some patients that suffered strokes. This shows that as long as there is adjacent living tissue, because the tissue is plastic, there might be how that it might take over.

Neuroplasticity has also been used to help individuals with various conditions, including learning disabled children improve their cognition and perception. (Doidge 2007, 47) According to Michael M. Merzenich, professor at the University of California and well known neuroscientist with numerous contributions to the field of neuroscience, “when learning occurs in a way consistent with the laws that governed brain plasticity the mental machinery of the brain can improve so that we learn and perceive with greater precision, speed and retention. (Doidge 2007, 47). The principle of “Compensatory masquerade”, which is a form of plasticity identified by the American researcher and scientist Jordan Grafman, also comes to support the idea that Neuroplasticity principles can be used with FASD individuals. According to this principle, the brain is assisted to find an alternative strategy for carrying out a task when the initial strategy cannot be followed due to impairment (the other three forms of plasticity identified by Grafman are Map expansion, sensory reassignment and mirror region takeover). This form of plasticity was used in the past, before neuroplasticity to help children with learning disabilities (by exploring alternative methods of learning such as switching people with reading problems to audio tape). According to this form of plasticity, there is more than one way for our brain to approach a task. Since the brain is able to find “alternative strategies” it very likely that this principle can be used to understand the brain of FASD patients in helping them to use other areas of the brain to take over lost functions. This can be another argument in favour of the neuroplasticity principles applied in the case of FASD individuals. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, one example is when a person attempts to navigate from one location to another. Most people, to a greater or lesser extent, have an intuitive sense of direction and distance that they employ for navigation. However, a person who suffers some form of brain trauma and impaired spatial sense will resort to another strategy for spatial navigation, such as memorizing landmarks. The only change that occurs in the brain is a reorganization of preexisting neuronal networks (

1. Streissguth, A. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Families and Communities. 1997. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 1997. Print
2. Doidge, Norman. The Brain that Changes Itself. 2007. New York: Penguin Group , 2007. Print.
3. Neuroplasticity, Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 05 July 2009 .

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Neuroplasticity principles we could use with FASD individuals

Diane Malbin, MSW, a recognized clinical social worker and speaker trainer in the FASD field, first spoke about the approach of "Trying differently rather than trying harder." This idea refers to trying different perspectives and intervention options based on effects of the CNS damage and particular needs of the patient, rather than trying harder at implementing behavioural-based interventions that have consistently failed over time to produce improved outcomes for a patient. A strength-based intervention will allow the individual to develop positive outcomes by promoting success linked to the patient's strengths and interests (Malbin, 2002)

While there may be no “neurological cure” for FASD, many interventions have been used with certain degrees of success. Most models identified so far in the current literature are developmental approaches, based on developmental psychology (development occurs through the gradual accumulation of knowledge and information). At the same time, the strategies that seem to work better are comprehensive and individualized based on the needs of each individual, strengths focused rather than pathology or problem focused. The brain does have the capacity to reorganize its maps. (Doidge 2007, 48). Therefore through learning and stimulation, the change that occurs in the brain could result in reorganization of preexisting neuronal networks. The change in the neuronal structure of the brain could also produce cortical remodelling and growth.

In the next section we will look at different approaches and neuroplasticity principles that might be used with individuals diagnosed with FASD and FASD related conditions. While there is a spectrum of possible options that are based on neuroplasticity and its principles, here we will mention only some of them, hoping that with your help we will extend the list and the article database.


Psychotherapists employ a range of techniques based on experiential relationship building, dialogue, communication and behavior change and that are designed to improve the mental health of a client or patient, or to improve group relationships (such as in a family). Psychotherapy can result in detectable changes in the brain. As demonstrated through brain scans, the brain plastically organizes itself in treatment. A study of the depressed patients treated with interpersonal psychotherapy showed that prefrontal brain activity normalized with treatment. (Doidge 2007, 233). Individual psychotherapy with children and individuals with an FASD is a productive process. While the Psychotherapy with individuals with FASD usually focuses effectively learn to cope with daily living experiences, to produce lasting effects and be used according to the neuroplasticity principles, psychotherapy should focus on restructuring neural networks, particularly in the subcortical-limbic system which is responsible for unconscious emotional motivations.

Techniques and methods used to improve the learning capacities

1. Arrowsmith Program
The Arrowsmith school was founded on neuroscientific research that demonstrates the possibility “to strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying their learning dysfunctions through a program of specific cognitive exercises”. (Arrowsmith School®) Arrowsmith School are privately owned day schools that are dedicated to helping students with learning disabilities. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. The focus is on treating learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. The activities and exercises proposed are meant to stimulate neurons and improve children’s speaking writing and reading. The programs are individualized based on an initial assessment that identifies the specific learning difficulties of each student.

2. Fast ForWord
Fast ForWord is a family of computer based programs, disguised as a children’s game. The intent is to enhance cognitive skills of children. Fast ForWord was designed and developed for language-impaired and learning-disabled children. The seven brain exercises included exercise every basic brain function involved in language. According to the study reported in the Journal Science in 1996, the children who did Fast ForWard computer exercises made significant progress on speech, auditory processing and language tests. Further studies showed that Fast ForWord was having other unexpected benefits. Many students that were involved with fast ForWord begun to show improved attention and focus. This was because the fast ForWord led to general improvements in mental processing. Also Fast ForWord not only that has proven to help children with cognitive difficulties but also proved to be beneficial to a number of autistic children who begun to make some general progress (Schwartz, Begley, 2003, 234-36). Fast ForWork stimulates the control system for plasticity and generating improvements in thinking and overall mental processing. Fast ForWord software was developed and is commercially distributed by Scientific Learning Corporation.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS)

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex (rTMS) can be used to modify motor cortical excitability in human subjects. rTMS works by stimulating parts of the prefrontal cortex. Numerous small-scale pilot studies have shown it could be a treatment tool for various neurological conditions such as migraine, stroke, Parkinsons Disease, dystonia, tinnitus) and conditions such as depression, mood disorders and auditory hallucinations. Transcranial magnetic stimulation was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a depression treatment in 2008. ("") This experiemtnal procedure uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain in the hope of improving chronic depression symptoms. ( Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is currently used and viewed as a promising experimental tool for understanding and treating Autism Disorders.


According to Wikipedia, Neurobics are mental exercises, brain teasers and puzzles that are believed by some to enhance the brain's performance, although it's too early for any scientific evidence to support this idea. The term neurobics was coined by late neurobiologist Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin to describe mental exercises designed to keep the brain alert. (
According to Katz, the exercise program calls for presenting the brain with nonrutine or unexpected experiences using various combinations of physical senses – vision, smell, touch, taste and hearing as well as the emotional sense. These actions produce more of such chemicals of the neurobiology system of body that encourage growth of new dendrites and neurons in the brain. (Katz, Rubin, 1999) Routine actions become so automatic to the individual that most of actions are done largely unconsciously. Such automated or unconscious actions require less activity in the brain, and exercise it less. With the help of neurobics exercises, it is claimed that one can stimulate the brain.
Some examples of neurobic exercise is to carry out a routine action such as showering with your eyes closed, dialing a phone number or brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. The goal is not to learn or remember anything specific but to provoke the brain into weaving more associative networks. Many of Katz’ neurobic exercises involve repeated pairing of different senses such as hearing (music) and smells or touch and hearing in order to increase the number of pathways in the brain. Neuroplasticity can occur anywhere. Simple changes in our daily routine could lead to neuronal changes.

Do you have other principles in mind? Please write a comment or send us a message.

When do we need to intervene? The earlier the better.

Although the appearance and the morphology of the brain change little after the birth, neuroplasticity allows it to undergo immense changes at the cellular level (Schwartz, Begley, 2003, 118).
The brain of the child is “plastic”. If a brain suffers damage in the early years and loses certain areas, it usually reorganizes itself. A young brain can usually compensate for injury to a particular region by shifting the function of the damage region to an unaffected region. By the age of 6 or seven the brain is becoming set in its ways and the lost of brain regions can leave severe and long lasting deficit.
Critical period – is a period when the newborn has to receive stimulation in order to develop normally. The brain is plastic and its structure is shaped by experience. For instance experiments showed that if we block a sense receptor during a critical period, the part of the brain that had been deprived of input from the sense receptor does not remain idle and will be assigned other functions. Language development has a critical period that begins in infancy and ends between eight years and puberty. After this critical period closes, a person’s ability to learn a second language without an accent is limited. Second languages learned after the critical period are not processed in the same part of the brain as is the native tongue. (Doidge 2007, 52).


1. Malbin, D. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Trying Differently Rather Than Harder. 2002. Portland, OR: FASCETS, Inc 2002. Print
2. Doidge, Norman. The Brain that Changes Itself. 2007. New York: Penguin Group , 2007. Print.
3. Arrowsmith School®, "Introduction." Arrowsmith School®. 27 June 2009 .
4. Schwartz, Jeffery and Begley, Sharon. 2003 The Mind and The Brain, Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Print
5. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, Mayo Clinic. 2009. Mayo Clinic Online. 05 Jul.2009
6. Wikipedia, "Neurobics." Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Web. 6 Jul 2009.
7. Katz, C. Lawrence and Rubin, Manning. Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness. 1998. New York, Workman Publishing Company, 1999. Print